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Author Guidelines
Submit your Research Paper
Submit your Research Papers / Manuscript in MS Word format only - You will have to submit in any of file extension .doc or .docx
Your paper must be written in English Language
Do not forget to mention following details like Research Area, Title of the paper, Full Name of authors, designation, contact number In the message body of the mail
Authors are informed to follow the corresponding Journal Template (IJTSRD/IJARW/IJRAT) before submitting the technical papers for presention in RTGR-2018. There is no special format for RTGR-2018.
The authors are informed to check your technical/research paper for PLAGIARISM.It is mandatory.
Plagiarism is an essay checker considered as significant software for students, teachers, scholars and professional authors/writers. It detects copyright infringement in your essay, research article, coursework or dissertation. It supports Google, Yahoo, Babylon, Google Scholar and Google Books. It helps avoid plagiarism. It will only take a few minutes to check your document. Are you searching for free plagiarism detector that is accurate enough to help you track duplicate content?
Before submission of articles you can check originality of articles by plagiarism checking software listed below: ( click on any )
1. SmallSEOTools
2. DupliChecker
3. PaperRater
5. Plagiarismsoftware
6. Plagiarism Detector
Procedure to check for Plagiarism
1) Give first 1000 words in your research/technical paper then take the report and save it
2) Give next 1000 words in your research/technical paper then take the report and save it
3) Repeat the step-2 for entire research/technical paper
4) Save all the reports and your research/technical paper in a folder
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